sure-fire: 비격식 [명사 앞에만 씀] 확실한, 틀림없는
A sure-fire thing is something that is certain to succeed or win.
low-hanging fruit: [신조어] 가장 쉬운 작업이나 가장 쉽게 달성할 수 있는 목표/방법
vs. high-hanging fruit (uncountable)
1. Fruit that, because of its height from the ground, is more difficult to harvest
2. (by extension) Anything that is difficult to achieve, and which is put off while simpler alternatives are still available
firefighting: 소방[소화] 활동; (기계·조직 따위의) 고장[장애] 제거 (활동).
Firefighting is the work of putting out fires.
push the envelope: 한계를 초월하다
do something in an extreme way in order to find out to what degree something is possible
turf: 1. 잔디, 떼, 뗏장 2. 토탄; 토탄 한 덩어리 3. 떼를 입히다, 잔디를 깔다 4. (자신의 집직장이 있는) 자기 지역, 근거지
1. NOUN Turf is short, thick, even grass.
2. NOUN Someone's turf is the area which is most familiar to them or where they feel most confident. (=territory)
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