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Testing an API(feat. The Trello REST API) The Trello REST API The fields of the board to be included in the response. Valid values: all or a comma-separated list of: closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData, idMemberCreator, idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships, name, pinned, po developer.atlassian.com Trello API의 Create a Board reqeust를 보냄 https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/trello/rest/api-grou..
API test in Postman 오른쪽의 SNIPPETS에서 Status code is 200을 클릭하면 Tests에 자동으로 form이 채워짐. 그 다음 Send 클릭! Test Results를 확인할 수 있다. Tip: make sure your tests FAIL! 일부러 존재하지 않는 주소를 입력하고 Send 클릭 그럼 404 Not Found 에러가 반환됨 pm.test("Status code is 200", function () { pm.response.to.have.status(200); }); pm.test - function for writing test specifications works in a non-blocking way in case of errors can include multiple related ass..
POST request practice 재고가 없는 (available 값이 false인) tool을 조회해봄 일부러 재고가 없는 toolId로 주문해봄 그럼 error 메시지에 해당 툴은 재고가 없어서 주문을 못한다고 뜸!
HTTP headers request를 보낼 때 JSON 타입으로 지정해줌 그럼 Postman에서 Header의 Content-Type을 알아서 application/json으로 자동으로 바꿔준다!
API Authentication GitHub - vdespa/quick-introduction-to-postman Contribute to vdespa/quick-introduction-to-postman development by creating an account on GitHub. github.com API 문서를 다시 살펴보자. API Authentication Some endpoints may require authentication. To submit or view an order, you need to register your API client and obtain an access token. The endpoints that require authentication expect a bearer token sent in ..
Troubleshooting Postman errors 1. address 정확한지 확인해보기 특수 문자 맞는지? 공백 있는지? 에러 메시지 e.g. Could not get response SSL Error: Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames If 주소 정확한데도 안되면 2. 주소 복붙해서 웹 브라우저에서 확인해보기 그래도 안된다? 그럼 company IT에 contact하기
Using Postman on the web (feat. Cloud/Desktop/Browser Agents) Postman desktop application과 달리 웹 버전에서는 Postman Agent라는게 있음 The Postman agent is a micro-application that runs locally on your desktop and acts as your agent for making API calls on your behalf. To overcome limits in the browser, the Postman web interface will now route API calls to the local agent, and the agent will make API requests locally on your behalf, using your local profile, configurat..
Query parameters & Path variables You can send path and query parameters with your requests using the URL field and the Params tab. Query parameters are appended to the end of the request URL, following ?and listed in key value pairs, separated by & using the following syntax: ?id=1&type=new Path parameters form part of the request URL, and are referenced using placeholders preceded by : as in the following example: /customer/:i..
Set as a new variable 여러 개의 request에서 동일한 URL을 반복해서 써야한다? 그럼 매번 같은 URL을 복붙하지 말고 아예 variable로 저장해서 써라~ For example, if you have the same URL in more than one request, but the URL might change later, you can store the URL in a variable base_url and reference it in your requests using {{base_url}}. 아래 예시에서는 동일한 URL 주소를 Value에 넣어주고 네임을 baseUrl로 저장함 그럼 이렇게 baseUrl로 대신 주소값에 넣어줄 수 있음 https://learning.postman.com/docs/sendin..