a JavaScript Engine is a computer program that executes javascript code.
E.g. V8 Engine
JS Engine 항상 이 2개를 포함함
- CALL STACK: where our code is actually executed using execution context
- HEAP: where objects are stored e.g. object in memory
Compilation vs. Interpretation
Compilation: Entire code is converted into machine code at once, and written to a binary file that can be executed by a computer.
Step 1
Source code -> (Compilation) -> Portable file: machine code
Step 2
Portable file: machine code -> (Execution) -> Program running
Interpretaiton: interpreter runs through the source code and executes it line by line.
Source code -> (Execution line by line) -> Program running
* Code still needs to be converted to machine code
JS는 interpreted language 였음
문제? compile language보다 훨씬 느림 = low performance
지금의 JS는 compilation과 interpretation의 속성을 둘다 합친거라 보면 됨
-> Just-in-time (JIT) compilation: Entire code is converted into machine code at once, then executed immediately.
- compilation과 차이라면 compilation후에 machine code 나옴 but not a portable file
- execution happens immediately after compilation
= 코드를 한줄 한줄 실행하는 것보다 훨씬 빠름
The bigger picture: javascript runtime
Runtime in the browser
-> Container including all the things that we need to use JavaScript (in this case in the browser)
- WEB APIs (e.g. DOM, Timers, Fetch API ..)
-> Functionalities provided to the engine, accessible on window object
which is data structure
-> e.g. callback function from DOM event listener (click, timer, data ...)
클릭을 하면 CALLBACK QUEUE에 있던 onClick이 CALL STACK으로 이동해서 실행됨
How? EVENT LOOP을 통해서
=> event loops takes callback function from callback queue and puts them in the call stack so that they can be executed.
Essential for non-blocking concurrency model
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