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What are animals thinking? They feel empathy, grieve, seek joy just like us.


  • Do you think animals can experience emotions like humans do, such as sadness, joy, anxiety, and others?
    I definitely think so. For instance, let's take dogs as an example. Dogs can feel almost all the emotions that humans do, which is why many people consider them part of their family and share emotional connections with them.
  • What are the grounds for determining animal emotions? Based on scientific evidence or personal experience, what motivated you to believe that animals have or do not have emotions?
    While there may be scientific evidence to support this claim, I can't say for certain as I haven't looked into it in great detail. However, based on my personal experience, I do believe that animals can experience emotions similar to humans. I once saw a documentary about a dog who had been waiting for his owner for a long time after he disappeared. When the dog finally reunited with his owner, he shed tears of happiness and sadness, which suggests that dogs can feel a range of emotions just like we do.
  • Do you think animals should be called in different ways, just as we don't call humans "it" now that the world has changed?
    When referring to animals, it may depend on the type of animal, but if we're talking about dogs, I believe it's appropriate to refer to them as he or she depending on their gender. Nowadays, many people consider their dogs to have a similar status to humans, so using gender pronouns for them has become more common.


orcas: 범고래

exasperation: the state of being very annoyed or upset

procreation: 출산, 생식

anecdotal: 입증되지 않은, 일화적인

ravens: 큰 까마귀

sentience: 감각성

ethologist: 농생물학 생태학자

concede: (무엇이 옳거나 논리적임을) 인정하다[수긍하다]

sentient: 지각이 있는

nascent: 발생기의, 초기의

fend off: (칼 끝, 공격 등을) 받아넘기다, 막아내다, 피하다. (=ward off, resist, defend.)

anthropomorphizing: 의인화

anecdotally: 일화로, 이야깃거리로.

orca(=killer whale): 육식 고래

astray: 길을 잃고; 못된 길에 빠져, 정도에서 벗어나, 타락하여

flail: 마구 움직이다, (팔다리를) 마구 흔들다

onlooker: 구경꾼 (=bystander)

sledding: 썰매타기

trudge: (지쳐서) 터덜터덜 걷다, (무거운 것을 들고) 느릿느릿 걷다

dismay: (충격을 받은 뒤의) 실망, 경악

plops: 퐁당 (하는 소리)

plastered: 술이 취한

pulsate: 1. 동사 (동작·음향이 강하게 규칙적으로) 진동하다[고동치다]
2. 동사 활기[흥분]가 넘치다 (=buzz)

musing: 사색, 사색한 것을 말하기

primordial: 태고의, 원시 시대부터의 (=primeval)

imperative: 반드시 해야 하는, 긴요한 (=vital)

lofty: (인상적이게) 아주 높은, 우뚝한

ethereal: (격식) 지극히 가볍고 여린, 천상의

wary: 경계하는, 조심하는 (→unwary), (=cautious)

hop: 한 발로 깡충깡충 뛰다

accentuate: 강조하다, 두드러지게 하다

shuffle: 발을 (질질) 끌며 걷다

beak: (새의) 부리 (=bill)

doctorate: 박사 학위

perched: …에 앉아 있는

squirm:  (초조하거나 불편하거나 하여 몸을) 꿈틀[꼼지락]대다 (=wriggle)

kinship: 친족(임)

unperturbed: (마음이) 흔들리지[동요하지] 않는

perk up: (특히 질병·슬픔을 겪은 후에) 기운을 차리다[차리게 하다] (=brighten)

clench: (주먹을[이]) 꽉 쥐다[쥐어지다], (이를[가]) 악물다[앙다물어지다]

nostrils flared: 콧구멍이 벌렁거렸다.

nostril: 콧구멍

flare: (특히 화가 나서 코를[가]) 벌름거리다

saunter: 한가로이[느긋하게] 걷다

swish: 휙[쌩] 소리를 내며 움직이다, 휙[쌩] 소리를 내며 움직이게 하다[휘두르다]

Whimsical: 엉뚱한, 기발한

confound: 어리둥절[당혹]하게 만들다 (=baffle)

moan: 신음하다 (=groan)

pathologist:  병리학자 (→medical examiner)

flabbergasted: 크게 놀란 (=astonished)

one-off: 단 한 번의

wildebeest: 누 (누속에 속하는 소과 포유류의 총칭)

egret: 왜가리

reptile: 파충류

tadpole: 올챙이

capuchin: 흰목꼬리감기원숭이

primate: 영장류 (동물)

exuberant: 활기[생동감] 넘치는

mirth: (유쾌한·즐거운) 웃음소리, 즐거움 (=merriment)




What are animals thinking? They feel empathy, grieve, seek joy just like us.

Rats show kindness, orcas mourn their dead, and monkeys protest injustice. Scientists are learning that other species also have complex emotions.



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