English (131) 썸네일형 리스트형 top, resonate with me, a bunch of top: (-v) 최고이다, 어떤 것에서 1위를 하다 e.g. 'On the Ground' has topped the iTunes charts in more than 50 countries. resonate with me: (내 마음에) 와닿고 공감이 된다 e.g. I would say the song really resonates with me, myself. The lyrics really resonate with me. a bunch of: 많은 e.g. in Korea, there's like a bunch of people who upload these puppies. I have a bunch of things to do today. NFTs Today’s takeaways - recently vs. lately: 쓰는 문맥이 다름 Recently는 single event 언급할 때 e.g. 최근에 머리 짜름 cf) Lately -> 요새 사람들 트렌드 - Rather than: preference 얘기할 때 쓰임 cf) Instead of Do you think that NFTs are valid investments or just speculation? I don't think that NFTs are valid investments. They are merely (another way to say "simply") speculation because the NFT market is still new. It isn't well establ.. What Is Cryptocurrency? Today’s takeaways - own some amount of 굳이 이렇게 구구절절이 풀어서 쓸 필요 없음. 당연히 일부만 소유한다는 의미가 내포되어 있음. - 문장 간에 연결해주는 적절한 접속사 (Conjunction) 쓰는 것 추천 Recently, my company split into two different companies, and one of them works with the Korean cryptocurrency KLAY, which I own. compound sentences to show the connection between ideas "some amount" → inferred - trendy industry 이런 식으로 잘 안씀. 그냥 풀어서 설명하는게 나음 e.g. .. History of Bitcoin (2) Today’s takeaways - you라고 하지 말고 a user라고 하기 (Technical paper에서 you라고 보통 안씀) e.g. Regardless of the instance's status, a user you can associate or disassociate the IP at will. - 문어체 vs. 구어체 (Writing) Considering this fact (Speaking) Because of this e.g. Considering this fact, Bitcoin could overtake cash's convenience due to the fact that it is native to online systems. Because 일부러 안씀. 세미 콜론 넣어야 되.. bullish, exponentially, pseudonym, all-time low, vet bullish = hopeful; optimistic. exponentially: 기하급수적으로 to increase exponentially e.g. While skeptics say that Bitcoin is a temporary bubble, others who are bullish predict its value will multiply exponentially within the next decade. pseudonym: (특히 작가의) 필명 a fictitious name used by an author to conceal his or her identity; pen name. all-time low[high]: 사상 최저[최고] 기록 vet: 1. 살피다 2. 평가하다 to appraise.. History of Bitcoin (1) Today’s takeaways Casual 상황에선 want, formal 상황에선 would like to 사용 추천 And, so, however은 보통 문장 맨 앞에서 사용 안함 (한국 학생들 이렇게 쓰는 경우 많이 봄) ; Semicolon 적고 그 다음에 적는게 좋음 e.g. Recently, I invested in Korean bitcoin; however, I have already lost a bit of money. 영작 할때 grammarly로 바로바로 체크하지 말고 우선 영작 다 해보고 그 다음에 확인해보기 기타 생각 안났던 표현 분사하다: the company was split into two separate companies A split-up is a financial ter.. dampen to dull or deaden; depress: deaden to make less sensitive, active, energetic, or forcible; weaken to deaden sound; to deaden the senses; to deaden the force of a blow. crater to collapse, plunge, or fail suddenly; crash e.g. The company’s stock has cratered 35% this year. in the driver’s seat 해고니 뭐니 해도 회사는 여전히 원하는 인재를 못 찾아서 안달남 즉, 구직자들은 여전히 갑의 입장이다(주도권을 가지고 있다) inlet, slight, perennial inlet [in-let]: 좁은 물줄기 2. 주입구 1. an indentation of a shoreline, usually long and narrow; small bay or arm. 2. a narrow passage between islands. 3. a place of admission; entrance. 4. something put in or inserted. verb (used with object), in·let, in·let·ting. 5. to put in; insert. e.g. God sends ten thousand truths, which come about us like birds seeking inlet; but we are shut up to them, and so t.. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ··· 14 다음