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focal point, broach, reproach focal point 1. (관심·활동의) 초점 2. = focus The focal point of something is the thing that people concentrate on or pay most attention to. Focal is used to describe something that is very important. proprietary: 1. (상품이) 등록[전매] 상표가 붙은 2. 소유주[자]의 deduce: 추론[추정]하다, 연역하다 (→deduction) (=infer) broach: (하기 힘든 이야기를) 꺼내다 When you broach a subject, especially a sensitive one, you mention it in order to start ..
concerted, elated, withering lavishly: 함부로 lavish: 1. 풍성한; 호화로운2. 아주 후한 If you describe something as lavish, you mean that it is very elaborate and impressive and a lot of money has been spent on it. concerted: [명사 앞에만 씀] (특히 둘 이상의 사람·국가 등이) 합심한, 결연한 a concerted approach/attack/campaign 1. 형용사 ADJ n A concerted action is done by several people or groups working together. 2. 형용사 ADJ n If you make a concerted effort to do som..
hard-nosed, impartial, unfounded hard-nosed: 냉철한 You use hard-nosed to describe someone who is tough and realistic, and who takes decisions on practical grounds rather than emotional ones. (=unsentimental) impartial: 공정한 (↔partial), (=neutral, unbiased) unfounded: 근거 없는, 사실 무근의 reflex: 반사 작용[운동]; 반사적인 반응[동작] 1. NOUN A reflex or a reflex action is something that you do automatically and without thinking, as a habit or as a react..
expeditious, rally expeditious: 격식 신속한, 효율적인 (=efficient) Expeditious means quick and efficient. expeditiously: 신속하게, 급속하게. rally: 1. (원조지지를 위해) 결집[단결]하다[시키다] 2. 회복되다, 원기[활기]를 되찾다
outset, divestiture, hit[get into, strike] one's stride outset: [the ~] 착수, 시초, 발단 If something happens from the outset it happens from the beginning and continues to happen. divest 1. 동사 (옷을) 벗다 2. 동사 ~을 처분하다[없애다] 3. 동사 ~에게서 ~을 빼앗다[박탈하다] - 동사 FORMAL If you divest yourself of something that you own or are responsible for, you get rid of it or stop being responsible for it. (=rid) - 동사 FORMAL If something or someone is divested of a particular quality..
cyclical, convergent, enlist, coalition cyclical: 순환하는, 주기적인 A cyclical process is one in which a series of events happens again and again in the same order. convergent: 점차 집합하는, 한 점에 모이는 (of two or more lines, paths, etc) moving towards or meeting at some common point enlist: (협조·참여를) 요청하(여 얻)다 If you enlist the help of someone, you persuade them to help or support you in doing something. coalition: 연합 build supportive coalitions
sway, forceful, evasive, assimilate sway: (전후좌우로 천천히) 흔들리다[흔들다] (마음을) 흔들다[동요시키다] 1. VERB When people or things sway, they lean or swing slowly from one side to the other. 2. VERB If you are swayed by someone or something, you are influenced by them. 3. PHRASE If someone or something holds sway, they have great power or influence over a particularplace or activity. 4. PHRASE If you are under the sway of someone or something, they h..
constituency, get a bead on, elicit constituency: 1. Noun (국회의원을 선출하는) 선거구 2. Noun (특정 지역의) 선거구민[유권자들] 3. Noun (특정 인물·상품 등의) 지지층[고객층] 1. NOUN A constituency is an area for which someone is elected as the representative in a parliament orgovernment. 2. NOUN A particular constituency is a section of society that may give political support to a particularparty or politician. get a bead on: ~을 겨누다/ 겨냥하다 It is highly desirable, if poss..
210902 Thu hypothesize: 가설을 세우다[제기하다] You will hypothesize about what is going on and why. hypothesis [hypotheses]: 가설 outlay: (새 사업 시작에 드는) 경비[지출] lurking: 숨어[잠복해] 있는 detonate: 폭발하다[시키다] land mine: 지뢰 Land Mines What lurking surprises could detonate and push you offtrack?