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Introduction to dashboards
unilaterally, overhaul, incentivize unilaterally: 일방적으로; [법률] 편무적으로; [식물] 한쪽에 치우치게. A unilateral decision or action is taken by only one of the groups, organizations, or countries that are involved in a particular situation, without the agreement of the others. overhaul: 명사 1. (기계시스템의) 점검[정비] a complete/major overhaul 완전한/대규모 점검 동사 [VN] 1. 타동사 (기계 시스템을) 점검[정비]하다 The engine has been completely overhauled. 엔진은 완전히 점검되었다. 2. 타동사 (경주에..
Introduction to APM
ingrained, undertaking, wellspring ingrained: 1. (습관·태도 등이) 뿌리 깊은, 깊이 몸에 밴 2. (때가) 깊이 밴, 찌든 ADJ Ingrained habits and beliefs are difficult to change or remove. undertaking: (중요한·힘든) 일[프로젝트] the act of a person who undertakes any task or responsibility. wellspring: 문예체 (마르지 않는) 원천 - the head or source of a spring, stream, river, etc.; fountainhead. - a source or supply of anything, especially when considered inexhaustible:
recalcitrant, plank, willfully recalcitrant: 격식 (규칙·지시에) 저항[반항]하는; 다루기 힘든 adjective resisting authority or control; not obedient or compliant; refractory. hard to deal with, manage, or operate. noun a recalcitrant person. plank: 1. (한 장의) 널빤지[(나무)판자] 2. (조직, 특히 정당 정책의) 주된 항목, 강령 1. NOUN A plank is a long, flat, rectangular piece of wood. 2. NOUN JOURNALISM The main plank of a particular group or political party is the main pr..
punitive, grandstanding, confound punitive: 1. 처벌을 위한2. (세금 등이 지불하기 힘들 정도로) 가혹한 FORMAL Punitive actions are intended to punish people. grandstanding: (특히 사업·정치 등에서) 사람들의 눈길을 끌려는 행위 Grandstanding means behaving in a way that makes people pay attention to you instead of thinking about more important matters. confound: …이 틀렸음을 입증하다 to confound expectations VERB If someone or something confounds you, they make you feel surprised or ..
sure-fire, low-hanging fruit, firefighting, push the envelope sure-fire: 비격식 [명사 앞에만 씀] 확실한, 틀림없는 A sure-fire thing is something that is certain to succeed or win. low-hanging fruit: [신조어] 가장 쉬운 작업이나 가장 쉽게 달성할 수 있는 목표/방법 vs. high-hanging fruit (uncountable) 1. Fruit that, because of its height from the ground, is more difficult to harvest 2. (by extension) Anything that is difficult to achieve, and which is put off while simpler alternatives are still avai..
juxtapose, overture juxtapose: Verb 격식 (특히 대조·비교를 위하여) 병치하다[나란히 놓다] If you juxtapose two contrasting objects, images, or ideas, you place them together or describe them together, so that the differences between them are emphasized. overture: 서곡/ 주로 복수로 (사교·사업·논의 등을 위한) 접근[제안] 1. NOUN An overture is a piece of music, often one that is the introduction to an opera or play. 2. NOUN If you make overtures to someone, yo..
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