enchant [ en-chant, -chahnt ]: 1. 황홀하게 만들다 2. 마술을 걸다
verb (used with object)
- to subject to magical influence; bewitch: fairytales about witches who enchant handsome princes and beautiful maidens.
- to delight to a high degree: Her gaiety and wit have enchanted us all.
- to impart a magic quality or effect to.
e.g. They enchant us, seduce us, tempt us, promise us that there is more to life than what we now have.
grail: 1. 성배(聖盃)2. (아무리 애를 써도) 결코 찾을 수 없는 것
- (usually initial capital letter)Also called Holy Grail. a cup or chalice that in medieval legend was associated with unusual powers, especially the regeneration of life and, later, Christian purity, and was much sought after by medieval knights: identified with the cup used at the Last Supper and given to Joseph of Arimathea.
- (sometimes initial capital letter)Informal. any greatly desired and sought-after objective; ultimate ideal or reward.
e.g. Each of us lives, then, striving for an invisible finish line, a sun-covered summit, a grail in life that, once we reach it, we are certain will bring with it not only present satisfaction but perpetual peace as well.
lounge: 느긋하게 서[앉아/누워] 있다
- to pass time idly and indolently.
- to rest or recline indolently; loll:
We lounged in the sun all afternoon.
listless: 1. 힘이 없는2. 무기력한
having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid; spiritless; indifferent:
a listless mood;
a listless handshake.
e.g. We work to the point of exhaustion to get it, or we lounge listlessly through life sure of its existence but unsure of the secret to its capture.
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