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vagary, ingress, board something up, venture, lackey, unheeded

vagary [ vuh-gair-ee, vey-guh-ree ]: 1. (날씨 등의) 예측 불허의 변화 2. 엉뚱한 짓, 괴팍한 언행; 변덕

noun, plural va·gar·ies.
1. an unpredictable or erratic action, occurrence, course, or instance:
the vagaries of weather; the vagaries of the economic scene.
2. a whimsical(엉뚱한), wild, or unusual idea, desire, or action.

e.g. Ironically enough, the vagaries of life move us on surely as much as its blessings, and sometimes more so.


ingress in-gres ]: 격식 (어떤 장소에) 들어감, 입장; 들어갈 수 있는 권리, 입장권

1. the act of going in or entering.
2. the right to enter.
3. a means or place of entering; entryway.

e.g. Death, unexpected and paralyzing or expected and draining, demands of us new ingress into life.


board something up: (문·창문 등을) 판자로 막다
[Verb] to block doors or windows with boards, either to prevent access or as protection from storms, etc.


venture ven-cher ]: (위험을 무릅쓰고모험하듯) 가다

- to expose to hazard; risk:
to venture one's fortune;
to venture one's life.
- to take the risk of; brave the dangers of:
to venture a voyage into space.

verb (used without object), ven·tured, ven·tur·ing.
- to make or embark upon a venture; dare to enter or go:
He ventured deep into the jungle.
- to take a risk; dare; presume:
to venture on an ambitious program of reform.

e.g. It is often more comfortable to board up the windows of the soul after a death than it is to venture out into the light alone afgain.


lackey lak-ee ]: 1. 하인, 종 2. 종 같은 사람

1. a servile follower; toady.
2. a footman or liveried manservant.
e.g. It is so much easier to maintain someone else's definition of perfect wife, for instance, than it is to demand to be peer and professional, easier to be the corporate lackey than inventor, easier to wear the uniform of the socially acceptable than to eat locusts and wild honey.


outrageous [ out-rey-juhs ]: 1. 너무나 충격적인, 언어도단인 2. 아주 별난, 터무니없는

1. of the nature of or involving gross injury or wrong:
an outrageous slander.
2. grossly offensive to the sense of right or decency:
outrageous behavior; an outrageous remark.
3. passing reasonable bounds; intolerable or shocking:
an outrageous price.
4. violent in action or temper.
5. highly unusual or unconventional; extravagant; remarkable:
a child of the most outrageous precocity(조숙); a fancy dive performed with outrageous ease.

e.g. Joy we consider birthright and wait to inherit in outrageous proportions.


unheeded: 격식 무시된

noticed or heard but disregarded

As a result, joy unheeded and blessings unacknowledged carry serious psychological and spiritual significance of their own for us.


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