vagary [ vuh-gair-ee, vey-guh-ree ]: 1. (날씨 등의) 예측 불허의 변화 2. 엉뚱한 짓, 괴팍한 언행; 변덕
noun, plural va·gar·ies.
1. an unpredictable or erratic action, occurrence, course, or instance:
the vagaries of weather; the vagaries of the economic scene.
2. a whimsical(엉뚱한), wild, or unusual idea, desire, or action.
e.g. Ironically enough, the vagaries of life move us on surely as much as its blessings, and sometimes more so.
ingress [ in-gres ]: 격식 (어떤 장소에) 들어감, 입장; 들어갈 수 있는 권리, 입장권
1. the act of going in or entering.
2. the right to enter.
3. a means or place of entering; entryway.
e.g. Death, unexpected and paralyzing or expected and draining, demands of us new ingress into life.
board something up: (문·창문 등을) 판자로 막다
[Verb] to block doors or windows with boards, either to prevent access or as protection from storms, etc.
venture [ ven-cher ]: (위험을 무릅쓰고모험하듯) 가다
- to expose to hazard; risk:
to venture one's fortune;
to venture one's life.
- to take the risk of; brave the dangers of:
to venture a voyage into space.
verb (used without object), ven·tured, ven·tur·ing.
- to make or embark upon a venture; dare to enter or go:
He ventured deep into the jungle.
- to take a risk; dare; presume:
to venture on an ambitious program of reform.
e.g. It is often more comfortable to board up the windows of the soul after a death than it is to venture out into the light alone afgain.
lackey [ lak-ee ]: 1. 하인, 종 2. 종 같은 사람
outrageous [ out-rey-juhs ]: 1. 너무나 충격적인, 언어도단인 2. 아주 별난, 터무니없는
1. of the nature of or involving gross injury or wrong:
an outrageous slander.
2. grossly offensive to the sense of right or decency:
outrageous behavior; an outrageous remark.
3. passing reasonable bounds; intolerable or shocking:
an outrageous price.
4. violent in action or temper.
5. highly unusual or unconventional; extravagant; remarkable:
a child of the most outrageous precocity(조숙); a fancy dive performed with outrageous ease.
e.g. Joy we consider birthright and wait to inherit in outrageous proportions.
unheeded: 격식 무시된
noticed or heard but disregarded
As a result, joy unheeded and blessings unacknowledged carry serious psychological and spiritual significance of their own for us.
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